
3Play Blue
Space Cadet
Stay Golden(rod)
Coral Me Happy
Sky's the Limit

Core Color Palette

Black (color code #00000), White (color code #FFFFF) and Magenta (color code #E6006F) are the official 3Play core brand colors.

Secondary Color Palette

Yellow (color code #FFCC66) and 3Play Blue (color code #007EB5) are the official 3Play secondary brand colors.

3Play Media color palette with hex codes

Color Contrast

Color contrast is very important when using different brand colors. Make sure to use light and dark colors together instead of light and light or dark and dark. Use this contrast guide to check which colors work well together and which colors do not work well together.

Accessible color combinations with 3Play brand colors


Some users with visual impairments need a stronger contrast than others, so getting the optimal color contrast is essential. Contrast ratio between your text and background must be very clear. The WCAG requirement is a minimum of 4.5:1.

These select colors are compliant with WCAG requirements and generate accessible contrast ratios when used together in specific combinations.