
The purpose of a dropdown is to provide the user a list of similarly grouped actions that they can perform. All of these actions will be grouped under one top level category, which will be the name of dropdown button.

At smaller screen sizes, the dropdown component will group tabs or horizontally laid out menu items to save more screen space.

Visually, dropdowns are very similar to buttons, but perform differently in terms of functionality. Dropdown can also be used as menus.


Dropdowns with Icons

Split Buttons

Split buttons should be used when an action can have a primary action but also a dropdown. An example is a split download button, where a user can be directed to a download page, but also "quick download" specific formats.

    // Default Dropdowns
    <DropdownButton title="Primary" variant="primary" id="dropdown-variants-primary" key="Primary">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="2">Another action</Dropdown.Item>
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="3" active>
        Active Item
      <Dropdown.Divider />
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="4">Separated link</Dropdown.Item>
    <DropdownButton title="Secondary" variant="secondary" id="dropdown-variants-secondary" key="Secondary">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <DropdownButton title="Success" variant="success" id="dropdown-variants-success" key="Success">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <DropdownButton title="Info" variant="info" id="dropdown-variants-info" key="Info">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <DropdownButton title="Warning" variant="warning" id="dropdown-variants-warning" key="Warning">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <DropdownButton title="Danger" variant="danger" id="dropdown-variants-danger" key="Danger">
      <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>

    // Dropdowns with Icons
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Primary</span>
      } variant="primary" id="dropdown-variants-primary" key="Primary">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="2">Another action</Dropdown.Item>
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="3" active>
          Active Item
        <Dropdown.Divider />
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="4">Separated link</Dropdown.Item>
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Secondary</span>
      } title="Secondary" variant="secondary" id="dropdown-variants-secondary" key="Secondary">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Success</span>
      } variant="success" id="dropdown-variants-success" key="Success">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Info</span>
      } variant="info" id="dropdown-variants-info" key="Info">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Warning</span>
      } variant="warning" id="dropdown-variants-warning" key="Warning">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
      <DropdownButton title={
        <span><i className="fa fa-check"></i> Danger</span>
      }  variant="danger" id="dropdown-variants-danger" key="Danger">
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">Action</Dropdown.Item>

    // Split Buttons
      <SplitButton title="Primary" className="split-button" target="_blank" variant="primary" size="sm" id="dropdown-split-variants-primary" key="primary">
        <Dropdown.Divider />
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">
          <i className="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit Favorite Formats
      <SplitButton title="Secondary" className="split-button" target="_blank" variant="secondary" size="sm" id="dropdown-split-variants-secondary" key="secondary">
        <Dropdown.Divider />
        <Dropdown.Item eventKey="1">
          <i className="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit Favorite Formats


Buttons, Links, & Clickable Elements Should Have Accessible Labels That Match

Accessible labels for links, buttons, and clickable elements should include any visible text.


There shouldn't be a difference in how users interact with buttons and clickable elements. Buttons with a visual component (like "Get Started" or "Submit") should have a matching programmatic name.

This ensures that all users will have the same experience. A screen reader user would have the text "Get Started" read out to them; a sighted user would read "Get Started"; and a speech-to-text user would speak "Get Started."

Contradictory labels (i.e., a button with visual text "Get Started" and programmatic label "Sign Up") are extremely confusing for users, and are particularly challenging for any users with cognitive disabilities.

Best Practices
  • Conventionally, the label for user interface components is the adjacent text string. The typical positioning of the label is inside buttons and tabs or immediately below icons serving as buttons.
  • It's not necessary to include symbols (e.g., the colon in "First Name:") in labels. "First Name" would be sufficient.
  • `aria-label` and `aria-labelledby` override native label semantics
  • If the visible button text is a symbol (for example, an icon of a list), the accessible label should indicate the function of the icon ("bulleted list")